Makita Products Sold by Suspicious Facebook Account “Agatha”



Reported recently by one customer that a suspicious Facebook account named “Agatha” was selling Makita products on Facebook. They claimed that they were selling official Makita products and provided our service center address located in Shatin trying to mislead the public.


Makita Hong Kong hereby solemnly declare that we do not have any relationship with the above said Facebook account. This account is definitely not the authorized dealer of Makita Hong Kong and their products are from unknown source. In order to avoid purchasing counterfeit, parallel import products, renewal products, unauthorized modified products or being cheated, please do not purchase any Makita products from this suspicious Facebook account.


  Makita Hong Kong bear no liability for accidents, personal injury or property damage that occurs as a result of the use of non-official products (including parallel import products). We also will not provide any warranty or official support including charged repair service for all non-official products. In order to avoid any unnecessary loss, we recommend all customers to purchase Makita Hong Kong official products from our authorized dealers. For any doubts, please feel free to contact our customer service hotline on +852 2648-8734.


Makita authorized dealers:

 Public Photos / Files - 圖片 1
 The cover page of Agatha
Public Photos / Files - 2
 The post related to selling Makita products
Public Photos / Files - 3

Agatha claimed that they were selling official Makita products and provided our service center address located in Shatin trying to mislead the public.


